my 2008 - part 1.

j a n u a r i     x     j a n u a r y

Januari 2008 hade nastan blont har & lugg. Bodde i ett pytterum pa
Easter Road med Helena & Simon & hangde mest pa Opium, The Hive
& The Tron om kvallarna. Nar jag inte jobbade forstas.
In January I was working the blonde fringe. Lived with Helena at
Easter Road & was out & about almost every night.

f e b r u a r i    x     f e b r u a r y

Februari var manaden da Katie skaffade kattunge, jag antligen fick
se Dykeenies live & vita tygskor & harboll pa huvudet var superhippt.
February was the months when Katie got her kitten & i finally got
to see Dykeenies live. Plimsoles was the hottest thing in the world.

m a r s       x       m a r c h

I mars kom Malin & halsade pa. Det blev mycket smoothies,
promenader & festande & vi borjade sa smatt smida planer om
att flytta henne till skottland. Jag traffade Pete for forsta gangen.
In march Malin came to visit me in Scotland. Lot's of partying!
I also met Pete & the beanscene people for the very first time.


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